Simple, seamless, secure data exchange
Coherence Data Exchange Platform (DXP) centralises data exchange into one powerful platform, where information is exchanged and managed securely for greater efficiency, insight and possibilities.
Today, organisations are custodians of dynamic data assets. Exchanging data seamlessly with one another is the road to deeper insights for improved business and government decisions.
Coherence DXP creates robust data hubs to facilitate data exchange and promote the growth of ecosystems that offer better solutions through the power of shared data.
The Coherence DXP platform (hub) connects multiple organisations (spokes). All data exchange activities by the organisations, such as contributing or retrieving data, take place centrally via the hub.
Our powerful hub-and-spoke architecture can connect a network of organisations with many others. This builds ecosystems of networks that:
Organisations access a single platform for all data needs. Data consistency is ensured across the ecosystem.
Capture data once and provide it to multiple organisations for efficiency.
Standardise the protocols used for data sharing and promote common data standards. |
Enable interoperability and integration for seamless data exchange.
Data privacy governance and security are enhanced with centralised data ownership, management and sharing.
Connect organisations and empower them to share data with one another for greater insights.
Coherence DXP offers maximum flexibility when it comes to deployment: host it on commercial clouds, private cloud or the organisation’s on-premises data centre. |
Make information exchange fast, easy and secure for all. |
Interested to learn more?
Schedule a demo and find out how Coherence Data Exchange Platform can help to provide simple, seamless, and secure data exchange.